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Video consultation

New offer from January 2022

Video consultation is a new form of consultation that has been tested during the Covid19 pandemic. It allows you as a patient to consult your doctor just by using your phone or tablet - without showing up in the clinic.

However, please note that not all topics are suitable for this consultation form.


How does video consultation take place?

The consultation takes place via the app "Min læge" which can be downloaded to your smartphone or tablet. When you want a video consultation with your doctor, you must take a seat in the "virtual waiting room", which in many ways is to be used as the doctor's physical waiting room. Just as in the physical waiting room you can't just take a seat in the virtual waiting room without an appointment and expect to be called in.


Step by step

1) Download the "min læge" app for your smartphone or tablet. 2

2) Call the clinic and book an appointment - you can not book these appointments online.

3) 5-10 minutes before your appointment, open the app and tap into the "virtual waiting room".

4) Wait for your doctor to start your conversation.


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